


部落格真的是個有趣的世界,你永遠不知誰在看你的文章。去年去White Center的Café Rozella欣賞佛朗明哥音樂會而寫下的文章,竟也被Café Rozella老闆娘發現。看不懂中文的她,還特定請客人幫忙翻譯呢!這段奇緣,讓我高興不已。


Unexpected Friends and Reward

For those of you who are regular visitors should have already found that my blog is a non-commercial place. All my articles about music, books, films, restaurants and cafés are just records of my life. I write about them simply because I like them. There is no marketing behind any of them. Yesterday, there was a comment from one of the restaurants Shultzy that I wrote an article about two months ago, saying that they liked my photos and would like to link to my blog. What a surprise! I have no idea how they found me. After I said that it would be my pleasure, they also wrote an article to introduce my blog and paid great compliment on my photos. I am truly flattered and moved.

Blog is quite an interesting world. You never know who your readers are. Last year, I wrote an article about a Flamenco Dance performance at Café Rozella in White Center. It was later discovered by the owner of Café Rozella, too. Because I always write in Chinese, she asked one of her customers to translate my article for her and wrote an wonderful comment. I was so happy about this unexpected visitor.

My blog is based on the belief of sharing good things to good friends. I found out that my articles would gradually be discovered by others and my photos would attract people, even "internationally". This is really rewarding. No wonder, I can keep on blogging!




At 4/20/2008 02:43:00 下午, Blogger andy said...

所以說,"地下"讀者的數量比你想像得多. 只是每個人對文章的感受不一, 所以回文的人就少得多.

來你這看東西是最有趣的. 以後你們回台灣我還是會 Bookmark 起來, 天天過來逛逛的. ^_^

At 4/20/2008 03:24:00 下午, Blogger Euphtw said...



At 4/21/2008 01:26:00 上午, Blogger andy said...

我覺得當看到一篇 Blog, 如果前五至十秒沒有感覺出什麼. 大概就沒有希望會回應. 不過我自己已經習慣了. 反正只是個生活的記錄. 二十四十年後, 回頭看看, 原來過去的生活還有這麼的一天.

相信很多像我一樣"忠實的讀者". 看的是作者, 因為我相信作者的文筆. 而不是作者住在哪裡!!!

就擔心你們回去後, 忙得沒有時間上來寫東西了... :-p

At 4/22/2008 12:35:00 上午, Blogger Euphtw said...



At 4/22/2008 11:55:00 上午, Blogger Ross on the Road said...


At 4/22/2008 03:14:00 下午, Blogger Euphtw said...




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