



At 1/25/2017 01:05:00 下午, Blogger yellowcosmo said...

A little tip about Angkor Wat. Get there super early.
Most tourists will want to stay by the lotus pond to take photos of sunrise. However, if you choose to skip that and go in as soon as the guards let you and climb up the temple, you may have a quiet and mostly empty Angkor Wat to yourself. It's magical when your first impression of Angkor Wat is quiet and serene. Otherwise it's choked with tourists after that.

At 2/02/2017 12:18:00 下午, Blogger Euphtw said...

Thank you for the tip. Unfortunately, we were with a tour group and had not enough time to go to the top of the temple. And indeed, there were full of people for the sunrise, which made the moment less magical. :)



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