
My Word is Free كلمتي حرة

2012年將盡,然而台灣社會依舊持續發生政府主導的不公不義事件 —大埔毀田、國光石化、核四、媒體怪獸、文林苑、十八趴、退休軍公教人員領年終獎金、國營事業高額薪水與獎金、美麗灣......,相信內心與我同樣感覺憤怒與不平的人應該不少。很無奈,該起義革命嗎?在那之前,先將一首在阿拉伯世界茉莉花革命時,由突尼西亞歌手Emel Mathlouthi所唱,並被當成地下國歌的「Kelmti Horra (My Word is Free)」獻給依舊沒被打倒,想要改變的人們。

We are free men who are not afraid,
We are the secrets that never die,
And we are the voice of those who resist,
In their chaos, we are the flash of light.
I am the right of the oppressed,
Snatched up by dogs
Looking the daily bread
And closing doors to shut off the rush of ideas.

I am part of the free and unafraid,
I am the secrets that never die,
I am the voice of those who do not give up,
I am free and my word is free.

I am free and my word is free.
Don't forget the price of bread,
Don't forget he who sowed in us the seed of sorrow,
Don't forget he who betrayed us.

I am part of the free and unafraid,
I am the secrets that never die,
I am the voice of those who do not give up,
I am the secret of the red rose,
A redness that was worshipped for years,
And whose perfume was buried
In a day.
It came out, its veil ablaze,
To summon all free men.

I am a star in the dark,
I am a thorn in the oppressor's throat,
I am the wind, fueled by the fire,
I am the soul of those who dot not forget,
I am the voice of those who do not die.

From iron, I make clay,
With which I shape a new idyll
Which becomes birds
Which becomes houses
Which becomes the wind and the rain.

I am free of the united world,
From cartridges I rise.





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